Most of the informations are collected from census and churchbooks.

All my informations will be uploaded gradually, when time allows.

I have tried to make a little dictionary:

afgangsliste: a registration when you move to another place
aner: ancestors
arkiv: archive
arvinger: inheriter
barn: child
begravet: buried
beskrivelse: description
biografi: biografy
bror: brother
børn: children
datter: daughter
deres barn: their child
døbt: baptised
død: dead
dåb: baptism
enke: widow
erhverv: trade
faddere: godfathers and godmothers
far: father
folketælling (FT): census
forlovere: best men
født: born
gift: married
gaard: farm
gaardejer: farmowner
gaardmand: farmer

hus: a house
husfader : housefather
husmoder: housewife
hustru: wife
kirke: church
kirkebog: churchbook
konfirmeret: confirmation
mejerist: dairy worker
mor: mother
national soldat: national soldier
stedbarn: stepchild
søn: son
søskende: sisters and brothers
søster: sister
tilgangsliste: a registration when you move to a new place
til: to
trolovede: engaged
tjenestepige: female servant
tjenestedreng: male servant
tyende: servant
udvandret: immigrated
ægtefælle: spouse

please let me know if there will be other words you want translated just mail me or